
  1. Skid_Marc_

    [Special Events] 2024 iRacing 24 Hours of Daytona

    Copied from 2023 post, times subject to change when iRacing puts up their official post. Date: January 19-21 - Timeslots: Friday 22:00 GMT Saturday 7:00 GMT Saturday 12:00 GMT Saturday 16:00 GMT (Registration opens 1 hour prior to the event) Session Warmup: 30 Minutes Qualifying: 8 Minutes...
  2. Skid_Marc_

    What are your iRacing 2021 S4 plans?

    Just wondering if anyone has put any thought into what they're racing next season? My goal of weekly staples; KamelGT - Nissan ZX-Turbo GTP - Wednesday 3:00p EDT(19:00 GMT)/Friday 17:00 EDT (21:00 GMT) V8 Supercars - Supercars Ford Mustang GT - Thursday/Friday 22:15 EDT (05:15 GMT) Porsche Cup...
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